Hunger is stalking the globe

Hunger is stalking the globe

We are here to support them every step of the way.

We are here to support them every step of the way.

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we can save more lives with you

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Children in Congo don’t have a very bright future. As many as 50% are orphans due to civil war. Many are homeless. If schools exist, they are in poor condition, overcrowded, and charge tuition. Disease and malnutrition and a healthcare system in which poor people get little or no care also leave poor residents hopeless.


We believe in the power of prayer! Our fervent prayers for a baby were answered after 8 years of infertility, inspiring us to name our daughter Emmanuelle. Please support our mission with your prayers for the poor and suffering in Congo - Brazzaville.


The struggles of poverty rob many Congo residents of peace. On a bus ride in Pointe Noir one day, the conductor was yelling at an old man who didn’t have money for the fare. When I stepped up and paid the fare - a small amount for me - a look of total peace came over the old man’s face.


By giving to the Emmanuelle foundation, you can meet the critical needs of today and tomorrow, while also helping children and families of the Republic of Congo address the root causes of poverty. Your donation will help provide access to essentials like clean water, nutrition, health care, and education.
About Us

About Us

Our Inspiration to Bless Others
When we decided to begin a family, we waited 8 years to become pregnant. We wanted so much to have a child and began praying that God would bless us with one. When we finally became pregnant with our daughter, we rejoiced so much in this blessing that we decided to devote her to God by naming her Emmanuelle. When we were inspired to begin an organization to help people suffering in our native country of Congo - Brazzaville, we wanted to likewise devote our work to the glory of God. This is why we chose to begin the Emmanuelle Foundation, through which we hope to bless others as we have been blessed.
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About Congo

About Congo

The Emmanuelle Foundation, Inc. was founded to assist people in our home country of Congo. There are two Congos: The Republic of Congo, also called Congo - Brazzaville and The Democratic Republic of Congo, also called Congo - Kinshasa. Our home country is Congo - Brazzaville
According to the World Bank, internal conflict and prolonged political instability have destabilized and weakened the already fragile economic conditions for families in Congo – Brazzaville, where 46.6% of the population lives on less than $2.15 per day. 50% of children are orphans. Vulnerable families are also affected by frequent natural disasters such as flooding and epidemics. Infant mortality is very high, at a rate of 32 deaths per thousand.
Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

raised by 6,388 people in 7 days
raised by 6,388 people in 7 days
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volunteers are available to help you
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Give a helping hand for homeless childrens

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Charity activities are taken place around the world

Charity activities are taken place around the world

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